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Digital ID is a safe, secure and convenient way to verify your ID online when accessing an online service.


Digital ID is mandatory.


Digital ID does not change the way you access government services now. It is a more secure option to verify your ID online.


Digital ID is just a number or card assigned to me.  


Digital ID is not a number or a new ID card.  

Digital ID provides a way for you to safely verify your existing ID documents online to access services. Right now, you can use your myGovID to access a number of government online services. The option of using a secure Digital ID to verify yourself with businesses would also mean not having to share copies of your ID documents when doing things such as applying for a rental property, signing a new phone plan or registering children in organised sports.  

It’s all about making your online interactions more seamless and protecting your most important information from being compromised.  


If I can’t, or don’t want to use technology to access government services I will get left behind.


At the heart of Digital ID is a focus on inclusion, to maximise the ability of all Australians to engage with Digital ID. You can keep accessing government services on the phone or in person at government shop fronts - a Digital ID is simply an alternative way to verify your ID online.  


My personal data will be shared with government or private sector/corporate organisations without my consent.  


You can choose which government services you wish transact with using your Digital ID. You must always consent to which services you share you details with. You may currently share data with private sector and government organisations such as copies of your passport or driver licence. Digital ID will reduce the personal information or data that you need to share.


Digital ID will mean I can be tracked or surveilled.  


Australia’s Digital ID system has strict privacy safeguards meaning it can’t be used to track your online activity or the services you’re accessing with your Digital ID.

Myths busted.