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The Australian Government wants secure digital IDs to be available across the economy. 

Australia’s Digital ID System is about:

  • less data being shared, stored and at risk of being stolen.  
  • making sure there are more accredited providers to choose from 
  • expanding the existing government system to more services. 

We’re also working to help more people get and reuse a Digital ID if they choose. We're focused on understanding and reducing existing barriers related to accessibility, digital ability and affordability. This includes working with the state and territory governments to explore how people might be able to get a Digital ID if they don't have key documents like a birth certificate.

Our partners and supporting agencies

Australia’s Digital ID System reflects collaboration of government agencies. 

Our partners and supporting agencies are:

For more information on each agency’s role within Australia’s Digital ID System, please see our page on how Digital ID works.

See the Digital ID Trilateral memorandum of understanding between the ACCC, OAIC and Office of the System Administrator for details on how these agencies carry out their respective regulatory roles and work together alongside the Department of Finance and the Data Standards Body.

Department of Finance

The Department of Finance owns and leads the Digital ID program for government. Finance’s role focuses on setting the policy direction for Digital ID.

Our executive team

John Shepherd headshot

First Assistant Secretary, John Shepherd PSM

John Shepherd is the First Assistant Secretary for the Digital ID and Data Policy Division at the Department of Finance. He leads the work to develop a comprehensive, economy-wide system for Digital ID. This includes the introduction of the Digital ID Act 2024 and the establishment of the Digital ID Regulator.

John has led many reform initiatives to reduce the burden on businesses and households of completing surveys in his role as General Manager at the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). He also lead significant change programs at the Australian Taxation Office (ATO), including the implementation of Single Touch Payroll.

John was awarded a Public Service Medal (PSM) in the 2022 Australia Day Honours list.

John Shepherd headshot

Assistant Secretary, Duncan Anderson 

Duncan Anderson is the Assistant Secretary for the Digital ID Legislation and Rules Branch at the Department of Finance. In this role, he leads the development of new legislation to support the expansion of Australia’s Digital ID System.

Duncan has over a decade of experience in identity policy working across the Commonwealth and states and territories. He has held leadership roles in the NSW Government as co-chair of the NSW Identity Security Council. Duncan has led policy teams within the Department of Home Affairs, Attorney-General’s Department and the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet advising ministers and prime ministers on a range of law enforcement, national security and related issues.

Penelope Jones headshot

Assistant Secretary, Penelope Jones

Penelope Jones is the Assistant Secretary for the Digital ID Communication, Inclusion and Governance branch at the Department of Finance. In this role, Penelope leads national communications on Australia’s Digital ID System and oversees system governance. Working with community sector experts, she is leading initiatives to help more people get and reuse a Digital ID, if they choose.

Penelope has also worked in post-crisis Timor-Leste and Haiti as a diplomat and then an aid worker. A University Medallist, she holds a Master of Applied Anthropology and Participatory Development from the Australian National University. Penelope has served in a range of public service leadership roles. She has also recently served as a Board Chair at Beryl Women Inc.,  Australia’s longest-running women’s refuge.

Matt Sedgwick headshot

Assistant Secretary, Matt Sedgwick

Matt Sedgwick is the Assistant Secretary for the Digital ID Policy at the Department of Finance. He handles the development and implementation of strategies to ensure a secure, convenient, voluntary and inclusive Digital ID. His focus is on the collaboration between government entities, private sector stakeholders and the community to create robust Digital ID solutions that protect people’s privacy.

Matt has over 17 years’ experience in the public service and was the Assistant Secretary in the Digital Technology Taskforce at the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet (PM&C). He has also held roles at the Department of the Treasury.