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The Australian Government is working to provide individuals with a secure, convenient, voluntary and inclusive way to verify their ID online. 

Australia's Digital ID System is already well established with: 

  • millions of Australians already using the Australian Government’s Digital ID app, myGovID 
  • more than 130 government services have the option available to login with a myGovID 
  • four private sector digital ID service providers accredited under the Trusted Digital Identity Framework (TDIF) 

But there’s a lot happening to strengthen and expand Digital ID in Australia: 

  • Legislation is being developed to provide strong regulation for accredited Digital ID providers to make sure they keep your information private and secure, if you choose to create and reuse a Digital ID to access services. 
  • More digital ID service providers are seeking and achieving accreditation under the government’s program. 
  • More and more services across Commonwealth, state and territory are connecting to Digital ID to provide a more secure way to access the service, offering more ways you can use your Digital ID. 

If you would like to receive updates as Australia’s Digital ID System develops and to learn more about Digital ID, subscribe to our monthly newsletter. Subscribe now.