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Building citizen trust for successful digital ID services

First Assistant Secretary, Digital ID and Data Policy Division at the Department of Finance, John Shepherd joined Managing Director of Connect ID Andrew Black and AP+ host Dave Ellett to take a deep dive into what trust means in the Digital ID world, how to build trust with Australians and what are some of the main blockers to trust.

“...[services and businesses] have always erred on the side of keeping more [data] rather than less, data storage has been pretty cheap, or has become cheaper over time as well. But if I go back to my first point about what really inspires trust and what trust means to me... [it's] putting the citizen at the centre... you continue to think about people and ease, as well as that [data] minimization principle.” – John Shepherd, First Assistant Secretary, Digital ID

Listen to the AP+ podcast episode (external website) or read the episode transcript.