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Secure, convenient and voluntary.

When you’re ready, simply choose an accredited organisation to create your Digital ID.
Read about the the new Digital ID Accreditation Trustmark which gives you confidence that your provider meets strict requirements and standards under the Accreditation Scheme.
We invite organisations to express their interest to work on a pilot to better protect renters' personal information.

How can Digital ID benefit me

What changed from 1 December 2024


For individuals

There is nothing you need to do.  

The Digital ID Act means your accredited Digital ID provider is required by law to protect your information and keep it private.

Accredited providers will also be regulated to make sure they continue to meet standards for security and privacy.  

Keep an eye out for more ways that you can use your myID (formerly known as myGovID) as more services join the Australian Government Digital ID System. In time, you will also have more choice of who you create and use a secure Digital ID with. 

For services and providers

Digital ID service providers will be able to apply to the Digital ID Regulator to become accredited. Accreditation is voluntary. Accredited providers will be able to display a Digital ID accreditation trustmark to show that they meet the high standards of accreditation. 

From 1 December 2024, state and territory government services will be able to apply to join the Australian Government Digital ID System as a relying service. Commonwealth services can also apply to join. 

By December 2026 private sector entities will be able to apply to the Digital ID Regulator to participate within the Australian Government Digital ID System. Private sector digital ID providers can apply to the Digital ID Regulator to become accredited.

Two new regulators

From 1 December 2024, two regulators will be responsible for ensuring organisations in Australia’s Digital ID System continue to meet high standards for security and privacy.  

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) will be the Digital ID Regulator and the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) will be the privacy regulator of Digital ID.